
发布日期:2019-04-01  浏览量:

姓名:石琪        职称/学术职务:教授

学历:研究生    学位:博士

E-mail: shiqi594@163.com







1、国家自然科学基金优青项目(2019.1-2021.12),吸附分离材料(No. 21822808),主持,经费:130万


先后主持国家自然科学基金项目3项、山西省自然科学基金项目1项,相关的研究成果在J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.等期刊发表SCI论文20余篇,SCI他引340余次,单篇最高170余次,获得4项国家授权发明专利,以第三完成人获得山西省自然科学奖二等奖1项。


1、Q. Shi, W. J. Xu, R. K. Huang, W. X. Zhang*, Y. Li, P. F. Wang, F. N. Shi*, L. B. Li, J. P. Li, J. X. Dong*, Zeolite CAN and AFI-type zeoliticimidazolate frameworks with large 12-membered ring pore openings synthesized using bulky amides as structure-directing agents. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 138(2016) 16232-16235.

2、Q. Shi, X. Z. Kang, F. N. Shi*, J. X. Dong*, Zn10(Im)20·4DBF: an unprecedented 10-nodal zeolitic topology with a 10-MR channel and 10 crystallographically independent Zn atoms. Chem. Commun. 51 (2015) 1131-1134.

3、C. P. Gao, J. L. Wu, Q. Shi*, H. J. Ying, J. X. Dong*, Adsorption breakthrough behavior of 1-butanol from an ABE model solution with high-silica zeolite: Comparison with zeoliticimidazolate frameworks (ZIF-8). Microporous Mesoporous Mater.243 (2017) 119-129.

4、C. P. Gao, Q. Shi*, J. X. Dong*, Adsorptive separation performance of 1-butanol onto typical hydrophobic zeoliticimidazolate frameworks (ZIFs), CrystEngComm, 18 (2016) 3842-3849.

5、Q. Shi, Z. F. Chen, Z. F. Song, J. P. Li, J. X. Dong*, Synthesis of ZIF-8 and ZIF-67 by Steam-Assisted Conversion and an Investigation of Their Tribological Behaviors. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 50 (2011) 672-675.


1、石琪. 一种润滑脂及其制备方法:中国,201510348053.7[P]. 2018-4-6

2、石琪. 一种高硅分子筛材料吸附分离丁醇的方法:中国,20151065371.X[P]. 2017-9-29.

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