
发布日期:2021-03-01  浏览量:

1.Yang Chao, Wang Ye shuang, Fan Hui ling*, Giacomo de Falco, Yang Song, Shangguan Ju, Teresa J. Bandosz*. Bifunctional ZnO-MgO/activated carbon adsorbents boost H2S room temperature adsorption and catalytic oxidation.Applied Catalysis B: Environmental.2020, 266: 118674. SCI(1区, IF=16.683)

2.Kong Peng, Tan Hao, Lei Tingyu, Wang Jie, Yan Wenjun, Wang Ruiyi, Waclawik Eric R.*, Zheng Zhanfeng *, Li Zhong*. Oxygen Vacancies Confined in Conjugated Polyimide for Promoted Visible-Light Photocatalytic Oxidative Coupling of Amines. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 2020, 272: 118964. (1区, IF=16.683)

3.Li Xuping, Baryshnikov Gleb, Ding Longjiang, Bao Xiaoyan, Li Xin, Lu Junjian, Liu Miaoqing, Shen Shen, Luo Mengkai, Zhang Man, Agren Hans, Wang Xudong, Zhu Liangliang. Dual-Phase Thermally Activated Delayed Fluoresence Luminogens: A Material for Time lmaging independent of probe pretreatment and probe concerntration. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2020.59(19): 7548-7554.SCI(1区,IF=13.734)

4.Luo Mengkai, Li Xuping, Ding Longjiang, Gleb Baryshnikov Shen Shen, Zhu Mingjie, Zhou Lulu, Zhang Man, Lu Jianjun, Hans Ågren, Wang Xu-dong, Zhu Liangliang. Integrating Time-Resolved Imaging Information by Single-Luminophore Dual Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2020, 132:39.SCI(1区,IF=13.734)

5.Wang Bing, Wang Meixin, Han Lina, Hou Yaqin, Bao Weiren, Zhang Changming, Feng Gang, Chang Liping, Huang Zhanggen, Wang Jiancheng*. Improved Activity and SO2Resistance by Sm-Modulated Redox of MnCeSmTiOxMesoporous Amorphous Oxides for Low-Temperature NH3-SCR of NO. ACS Catalysis. 2020, 10: 9034-9045. SCI(1区,IF=12.350)

6.Wang Yahui, Huo Qihuang, Shi Liu, Feng Gang*, Wang Jiancheng*, Han Lina, Chang Liping. Adsorption of mercury species on selected CuS surfaces and the effects of HCl. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2020, 393:124773. SCI(1区,IF=10.652)

7.Wu Mengmeng*, Guo Enhui, Li Qiaochun, Mi Jie*, Fan Huiling. Mesoporous Zn-Fe-based binary metal oxide sorbent with sheet-shapedmorphology: Synthesis and application for highly efficient desulfurization of hot coal gas. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2020, 389: 1−14. SCI (1区, IF=10.652)

8.Yang Chao, Marc Florent, Giacomo de Falco, Fan Huiling, Teresa J. Bandosz. ZnFe2O4/activated carbon as a regenerable adsorbent for catalytic removal of H2S from air at room temperature. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2020, 394: 124906. SCI(1区, IF=10.652)

9.Yang Chao, Yang Song, Fan Hui-Ling, Wang Jian, Wang Hui, Shangguan Ju, Huo Chao. A sustainable design of ZnO-based adsorbent for robust H2S uptake and secondary utilization as hydrogenation catalyst. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2020, 394: 124906. SCI(1区, IF=10.652)

10.Rajendran Antony, Cui Tianyou, Fan Hongxia, Yang Zhifen, Feng Jie, Li Wenying. A comprehensive review on oxidative desulfurization catalysts targeting clean energy and environment. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2020, 8(5): 2246-2285. SCI(1区,IF=9.844)

11.Yang Jing-Rui, Wang Ying, Chen Hu, Ren Rui-Peng, Lv Yong-Kang*. A new approach for the effective removal of NOxfrom flue gas by using an integrated system of oxidation-absorption-biological reduction. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2021, 404: 124109. SCI (1区, IF=9.038)

12.Shi Ruina, Zhao Jinxian, Quan Yanhong, Wang Xuhui, An Jiangwei, Liu Junjie, Sun Wei, Li Zhong, and Ren Jun. Fabrication of Few-Layer Graphene-Supported Copper Catalysts Using a Lithium-Promoted Thermal Exfoliation Method for Methanol Oxidative Carbonylation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2020, 12(27): 30483-30493. SCI (1区, IF=8.758)

13.Zhao Hanqing, Ye Jianqi, Song Wei, Zhao Dan, Kang Mengmeng, Shen Hanting, and Li Zhong*. Insights into the Surface Oxygen Functional Group-Driven Fast and Stable Sodium Adsorption on Carbon. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2020, 12: 6991–7000. SCI (1区, IF=8.758)

14.Qin Zhifeng, Zhao Yingjie, Yi Qun*, Shi Lijuan*, Li Congming, Yan Xiaoliang, Ren Jun. Methanation of coke oven gas over Ni-Ce/γ-Al2O3catalyst using a tubular heat exchange reactor: Pilot-scale test and process optimization. 2020, 204: 112302. SCI (1区, IF=8.208)

15.Zhang Riguang, Wei Cong, Li Debao, Jiang Zhao, Wang Baojun*, Ling Lixia, Fan Maohong*. The new role of surface adsorbed CHx(x=1-3) intermediates as a co-adsorbed promoter in self-promoting syngas conversion to form CHxintermediates and C2oxygenates on the Rh-doped Cu catalyst. Journal of Catalysis. 2019, 377:1−12. SCI (1区, IF=7.888)

16.Liu Yong-Jun,* Cui Nan, Jia Peng-Long, Wang Xu, Huang Wei*. Synergy between active sites of ternary CuZnAlOOH catalysts in CO hydrogenation to ethanol and higher alcohols. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 2020, 8:6634-6646. SCI (1区, IF=7.632)

17.Ren Jing, Ren Rui-Peng*, and Lv Yong-Kang*. Hollow I-Cu2MoS4nanocubes coupled with an ether-based electrolyte for highly reversible lithium storage. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 2020, 577: 86-91. SCI (1区, IF=7.489)

18.Ma Lingjun, Feng Yu, Zhang Man, Zheng Qingxin, Wang Bing, Han Lina*, Li Yuping, Chang Liping, Bao Weiren, Wang Jiancheng*. Mechanism study on green high-efficiency hydrothermal activation of fly ash and its application prospect. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020, 275:122977. SCI(1区,IF=7.246)

19.Xu Ying, Yang Zhixiu, Zhang Guojie*, Zhao Peiyu. Excellent CO2adsorption performance of nitrogen-doped waste biocarbon prepared with different activators. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020, 264:121645. SCI(1区, IF=7.246)

20.Lu Yang, Wang Ying, Zhang Jing, Wang Qi, Zhao Yuqiong, Zhang, Yongfa*. Investigation on the characteristics of pyrolysates during co-pyrolysis of Zhundong coal and Changji oil shale and its kinetics. Energy. 2020, 200:117529. SCI(1区, IF=6.082)

21.Yang Chao, Giacomo de Falco, Marc Florent, Fan Huiling, Teresa J. Bandosz. Support features govern the properties of the active phase and the performance of bifunctional ZnFe2O4-based H2S adsorbents. Carbon. 2020, 169: 327-337. SCI(1区, IF=5.715)

22.Wang Meijun*, Shen Yanfeng, Hu Yongfeng, KongJiao, Wang Jiancheng, Chang Liping. Effect of pre-desulfurization process on the sulfur forms and their transformations during pyrolysis of Yanzhou high sulfur coal. Fuel. 2020, 276:118124. SCI(1区,IF=5.578)

23.Liu Jianwei, Faraz Ahmad, Zhang Qian, Liang Litong, Huang Wei*, Peng Zeyu, Yuan Quan, Xiang Xinning. Interactive tools to assist convenient group-type identification and comparison of low-temperature coal tar using GC×GC–MS. Fuel. 2020, 278:118314. SCI (1区, IF=5.578)

24.Lu Yang, Wang Ying, Wang Qi, Zhang Jing, Zhao Yuqiong, Zhang Yongfa*. Investigation on the catalytic effect of AAEMs on the pyrolysis characteristics of Changji oil shale and its kinetics. Fuel. 2020, 267:117287. SCI (1区, IF=5.578)

25.Shi Yayun, Liu Shizhong, Liu Yiming, Huang Wei, Guan Guoqing*, ZuoZhijun*. Quasicatalytic and catalytic selective oxidation of methane to methanol over solid materials: a review on the roles of water. Catalysis Reviews: Science and Engineering. 2020, 62(3): 313-345. SCI (2区, IF=11.389)

26.Wang Zhe, Feng Jiangjiang, Li Xiaoliang*, Rena Oh, Shi Dongdong, Ouardia Akdim, Xia Ming, Zhao Liang, Huang Xiaoyang*, Zhang Guojie*. Au-Pd nanoparticles immobilized on TiO2nanosheet as an active and durable catalyst for solvent-free selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 10.1016/j.jcis.2020.11.112. SCI (2区, IF=7.489)

27.Zhao Dan, Zhao Hanqing*, Ye Jianqi, Song Wei, Miao Siyu, Shen Hanting, Zhao Yu, Kang Mengmeng, Li Zhong*. Oxygen functionalization boosted sodium adsorption-intercalation in coal based needle coke. Electrochimica Acta. 2020, 329: 135127. SCI (2区, IF=6.215)

28.Cao Haojie, Bai Hui, Bai Bing, Ma Mengmeng, Bai Bin, Ling Lixia, Zuo Jianping, Huang Wei. Syngas conversion catalyzed by copper-embedded graphene. Applied Surface Science. 2020, 525:146500. SCI (2区, IF=6.182)

29.Li Xiaoliang, Feng Jiangjiang, Michal Perdjonb Rena Oh, ZhaoWei, Huang Xiaoyang, Shusen Liu*. Investigations of supported Au-Pd nanoparticles on synthesized CeO2with different morphologies and application in solvent-free benzyl alcohol oxidation. Applied Surface Science. 2020, 505:144473-1-8. SCI (2区, IF=6.182)

30.Lian Huan, Liu Hongyan*, Zhang Riguang, Ling Lixia, Wang Baojun*. Effect of pre-adsorbed sulfur on CHx(x=1–3) formation from synthesis gas reaction over Cu(111) surface. Molecular Catalysis. 2020, 484:110731. SCI(2区, IF=6.182)

31.Guan Zun, Xue Mifeng, Li Zhiqin, Zhang Riguang*, Wang Baojun. C2H2semi-hydrogenation over the supported Pd and Cu catalysts: The effects of the support types, properties and metal-support interaction on C2H4selectivity and activity. Applied Surface Science. 2020, 503:144142. SCI(2区, IF=6.182)

32.Meng Fanhui, Yang Min, Li Zhiqin, Zhang Riguang*. HCOOH dissociation over the Pd-decorated Cu bimetallic catalysts: The role of the Pd ensemble in determining the selectivity and activity. Applied Surface Science. 2020, 511:145554. SCI(2区, IF=6.182)

33.Yang Min, Wang Baojun, Li Zhiqin, Ling Lixia, Zhang Riguang*. HCOOH Dissociation Over the Core-Shell M@Pd Bimetallic Catalysts: Probe into the Effect of the Core Metal Type on the Catalytic Performance. Applied Surface Science. 2020, 506:144938. SCI(2区, IF=6.182)

34.Chen Jiawang, Wang Zhanhui, Zhao Juan, Ling Lixia*, Zhang Riguang, Wang Baojun*. The active site of ethanol formation from syngas over Cu4cluster modified MoS2catalyst: A theoretical investigation. Applied Surface Science. 2021, 540:148301.(SCI(2区, IF=6.182)

35.Ye Jianqi, Zhao Hanqing,* Kang Mengmeng, Song Wei, Kong Qingqiang, Chen Chengmeng, Wu Rui, Mi Jie and Li Zhong*. Defect formation-induced tunable evolution of oxygen functional groups for sodium storage in porous graphene. Chemical Communications. 2020, 56:1089-1092. SCI (2区, IF=5.996).

36.Meng Fanhui*, Li Xiaojing, Zhang Peng, Yang Langlang, Yang Guinan, Ma Pengchuan, Li Zhong*. Highly active ternary oxide ZrCeZnOxcombined with SAPO-34 zeolite for direct conversion of syngas into light olefin. Catalysis Today. 2020, 542:148713 SCI (2区, IF=5.825)

37.Huo Qihuang, Yue Caixia, Wang Yahui, Han Lina, Wang Jiancheng*, Chen Shuai, Bao Weiren, Chang Liping, Xie Kechang. Effect of impregnation sequence of Pd/Cery-Al2O3sorbents on Hg-0 removal from coal derived fuel gas. Chemosphere. 2020, 249:126164. SCI(2区,IF=5.778)

38.Zhao Dan, Zhang Guoqiang,* Yan Lifei, Kong Lingqi, Zheng Huayan, Mi Jie and Li Zhong *. Carbon nanotube-supported Cu-based catalysts for oxidative carbonylation of methanol to methyl carbonate: effect of nanotube pore size. Catalysis Science & Technology. 2020, 10:2615-2626. SCI (2区, IF=5.721)

39.Narkhede Nilesh, Zheng Huayan*, Zhang Huacheng, Zhang Guoqiang, Li Zhong*. Group 13 metals doped Cu/ZnO catalysts from phase pure precursors via isomorphous substitution route: mechanistic insights on promotional effect for syngas hydrogenation to methanol. Catalysis Science & Technology. 2020, 10:7386-7398. SCI (2区, IF=5.721)

40.Shao Juan, Fu Tingjun, Li Zhong*. The selective and stable synthesis of aromatics from methanol via two-step route using light alkenes as intermediates. Fuel. 2020, 280: 118609. SCI (2区, IF=5.578)

41.Li Fangzhou, Kang Jingxian, Song Yuncai, Feng Jie, Li Wenying. Thermodynamic feasibility for molybdenum-based gaseous oxides assisted looping coal gasification and its derived power plant. 2020, 194:116830-1-13. SCI(2区,IF=5.008)

42.Si Congcong#, Ban Hongyan#, Chen Kuo, Wang Xiaoyue, Cao Ruiwen, Yi Qun, Qin Zhifeng, Shi Lijuan, Li Zhong*, Cai Weijie, Li Congming*. Insight into the positive effect of Cu0/Cu+ratio on the stability of Cu-ZnO-CeO2catalyst for syngas hydrogenation. AppliedCatalysis A: General. 2020, 594:117466. SCI (2区, IF=5.006)

43.Chen Huijun, Huo Qihuang, Wang Yahui, Han Lina, Lei Zhiping, Wang Jiancheng*, Bao Weiren, Chang Liping. Upcycling coal liquefaction residue into sulfur-rich activated carbon for efficient Hg0removal from coal-fired flue gas. Fuel Processing Technology. 2020, 206:106467. SCI(2区,IF=4.982)

44.Ren Liang, Yan Lun-Jing*, Bai Yong-Hui*, Liu Yan, Lv Peng, Wang Yu-Xian, Li Fan, Effects of loading methods and oxidation degree of support on the tar reforming activity of char-supported Ni catalyst using toluene as a model compound. Fuel Processing Technology. 2020, 201:106347. SCI(2区,IF=4.982)

45.Li Duichun, Xing Bin, Wang Baojun, Li Ruifeng*. Activity and selectivity of methanol-to-olefin conversion over Zr-modified H-SAPO-34/H-ZSM-5 zeolites-A theoretical study. Fuel Processing Technology. 2020, 199:106302. SCI(2区, IF=4.982)

46.Zhang Tiankai, Zhang Yongfa*, Wang Qi, Lv Xuemei, Luo Yunhuan. Mechanism of K-catalyzed transformation of solid carbon structure into carbon nanotubes in coal. Fuel Processing Technology. 2020, 204:106409. SCI(2区, IF=4.982)

47.Zhang Tiankai, Wang Qi, Lv Xuemei, Luo Yunhuan, Zhang Yongfa*. Transformation of primary siderite during coal catalytic pyrolysis and its effects on the growth of carbon nanotubes. Fuel Processing Technology. 2020, 198:106235. SCI(2区, IF=4.982)

48.Li Sheng, Qin Xiaowei, Zhang Guojie*, Xu Ying, Lv Yongkang. Optimization of content of components over activated carbon catalyst on CO2reforming of methane using multi-response surface methodology. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2020, 45(16): 9695-9709. SCI(2区, IF=4.939)

49.Sun Yinghui, Zhang Guojie*, Liu Jiwei, Xu Ying, Lv Yongkang. Production of syngas via CO2methane reforming process: Effect of cerium and calcium promoters on the performance of Ni-MSC catalysts. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2020, 45(1): 640-949. SCI(2区, IF=4.939)

50.Liu Jing, Liu Yongjun, Yan Wenjun, Yang Denghui, Fan Jinchuan*, Wei Huang*. Effect of zinc source on the ethanol synthesis from syngas over a slurry CuZnAl catalyst. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2020, 4:22469-22479. SCI (2区, IF=4.939)

51.Zhang Xiaodan, Yue Luchao, Zhang Shuaiguo, Feng Yu, An Lulu, Wang Miao, Mi Jie*. Nickel-doped cobalt molybdate nanorods with excellent cycle stability for aqueous asymmetric supercapacitor. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2020, 45: 8853−8865. SCI (2区, IF=4.939)

52.Han Yahong, Quan Yanhong, J Zhaoinxian, Ren Jun. Promotion effect by Mg on the catalytic behavior of MgNi/WO3in the CO methanation. International Journal of Hydrogen energy. 2020, 45: 2991-2997. SCI (2区, IF=4.939)

53.Jing Jie-ying, Wei Ze-hua, Zhang Yu-bin, Bai Hong-cun, Li Wen-ying. Carbon dioxide reforming of methane over MgO-promoted Ni/SiO2catalysts with tunable Ni particle size. Catalysis Today. 2020, 356:589-596. SCI(2区,IF=4.881)

54.Li Xiao-hong, Li Hai-jie, Wang Ruo-qing, Feng Jie, Li Wen-ying. Acid pretreatment effect on oxygen migration during lignite pyrolysis. Fuel. 2020, 262. 10.1016/j.fuel.2019.116650. SCI(2区,IF=4.879)

55.Wang Xiaoyue, Cao Ruiwen, Chen Kuo, Si Congcong, Ban Hongyan, Zhang Peng, Meng Fanhui, Jia Litao, Mi Jie, Li Zhong*, Li Congming*. Synthesis gas conversion to lower olefins over ZnCr-SAPO-34 catalysts: role of ZnO-ZnCr2O4interface. ChemCatChem. 2020, 12: 4387−4395. SCI (2区, IF=4.853)

56.Zheng Huayan, Narkhede Nilesh, Zhang Huacheng, Li Zhong*. Oriented Isomorphous Substitution: An Efficient and Alternative Route to Fabricate the Zn Rich Phase Pure (Cu1-Znx)2(OH)2CO3Precursor Catalyst for Methanol Synthesis. ChemCatChem. 2020, 12: 2040-2049. SCI (2区, IF=4.853)

57.Zheng Huayan, Narkhede Nilesh, Zhang Huacheng, Li Zhong*. Isomorphous substitution method to fabricating pure phase Al-doped zinc malachite: defects driven promotion improvement and enhanced synergy between Cu-ZnO. ChemCatChem. 2020, 12(22): 5697–5709. SCI (2区, IF=4.853)

58.Lv Peng, Yan Lunjing, Liu Yan, Wang Meijun, Bao Weiren*, Li Fan*. Catalytic conversion of coal pyrolysis vapors to light aromatics over hierarchical Y-type zeolites. Journal of the Energy Institute. 2020, 93(4): 1354-1363. SCI(2区,IF=4.748)

59.Yan Lunjing*, Liu Yujie, Lv Peng, Wang Meijun*, Li Fan, Bao Weiren. Effect of Brønsted acid of Y zeolite on light arene formation during catalytic upgrading of coal pyrolysis gaseous tar. 2020, 93(6): 2247-2254. SCI(2区,IF=4.748)

60.Liu Yan, Yan Lunjing*, Lv Peng, Ren Liang, Kong Jiao, Wang Jancheng, Li Fan, Bai Yonghui. Effect of n-hexane extraction on the formation of light aromatics from coal pyrolysis and catalytic upgrading. Journal of the Energy Institute. 2020, 93(3): 1242-1249.SCI(2区,IF=4.748)

61.Li Xiaoliang*, Wang Zhe, Sun Jia, Rena Oh, Feng Jiangjiang, Shi Dongdong, Zhao Wei, Liu Shusen*. Influence of CeO2morphology on WO3/CeO2catalyzed NO selective catalytic reduction by NH3. Journal of the Energy Institute. 2020, 93: 1511-1518. SCI (2区, IF=4.748)

62.Wang Xing-Bao, Xie Zi-Zheng, Guo Liang, Du Zhen-Yi*, Li Wen-Ying*. Mechanism of dibenzofuran hydrodeoxygenation on the surface of Pt(111): A DFT study. Catalysis Today. 2020. 10.1016/j.cattod.2020.04.044. SCI(2区,IF=4.730)

63.Chen Ting-Sheng, Yang Wen-Yi, Du Zhen-Yi*, Feng Jie, Li Wen-Ying*. Effects of mesopore introduction on the stability of zeolites for 4-iso-Propylphenol dealkylation.Catalysis Today. 2020.10.1016/j.cattod.2020.07.075. SCI(2区,IF=4.730)

64.Fan Hong-Xia, Cui Tian-You, Rajendran Antony, Yang Qing, Feng Jie*, Yue Xiu-Ping, Li Wen-Ying*. Comparative study on the activities of different MgO surfaces in CO2activation and hydrogenation. Catalysis Today. 2020, 356: 535-543. SCI(2区,IF=4.730)

65.Liu Juan, Li Wen-Ying*, Feng Jie, Gao Xiang, Effects of Fe species on promoting the dibenzothiophene hydrodesulfurization over the Pt/γ-Al2O3catalysts, Catalysis Today. 2020. 10.1016/j.cattod. 2020. 07.035. SCI(2区,IF=4.730)

66.Zhang Hong-Yan, Shi Rui-Hua, Fan Hui-Ling,*Yang Chao, Zhang Chao-Nan, Wang Ye-Shuang, Tian Zhen. "Defect creation by benzoic acid in Cu-Based Metal Organic frameworks for enhancing sulfur capture Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 2020, 266: 118674. SCI(2区, IF=4.551)

67.Zhang Guoqiang, Liang Jiahao, Yin Jiao, Yan Lifei, Narkhede Nilesh, Zheng Huayan, Li Zhong*. An efficient strategy to improve the catalytic activity of CuY for oxidative carbonylation of methanol: Modification of NaY by H4EDTA-NaOH sequential treatment. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. 2020, 307: 110500. SCI (2区, IF=4.551)

68.Wang Baojun, Liang Danli, Guan Zun, Li Debao, Zhang Riguang*. Understanding the Key Step of Co2C-Catalyzed Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2020, 124: 5749-5758. SCI(2区, IF=4.404)

69.Liu Juan, Li Wen-Ying*, Feng Jie, Gao Xiang. Molecular insights into the hydrodenitrogenation mechanism of pyridine over Pt/γ-Al2O3catalysts. Molecular Catalysis. 2020, 495:111148. SCI(2区,IF=4.237)

70.Wang Meijun, Shen Yanfeng, Guo Pei, Kong Jiao, Wu Yucheng, Chang Liping*, Wang Jiancheng, Xie Wei*. A comparative study on the intrinsic reactivity and structural evolution during gasification of chars from biomass and different rank coals. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. 2020, 149:104859. SCI(2区,IF=3.905)

71.Lv Xuemei, Zhang Tiankai, Luo Yunhuan, Zhang Yongfa*, Wang Ying, Zhang Guojie. Study on carbon nanotubes and activated carbon hybrids by pyrolysis of coal. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. 2020, 146:104717. SCI(2区, IF=3.905)

72.Wang Xuhui, Zhao Jinxian, Li Ying, Huang Shouying, An Jiangwei, Shi Ruina, Pei Yongli, Li Zhong, Ren Jun. Effects of surface acid–base properties of ZrO2on the direct synthesis of DMC from CO2and methanol: A combined DFT and experimental study. Chemical Engineering Science. 2020, 229:116018. SCI (2区, IF=3.871)

73.Wei Cong, Zhang Riguang*, Ling Lixia, Li Debao, Hou Bo, Wang Baojun*. Syngas-to-C2oxygenates on Cu-based catalyst: Quantitative insight into the balancing effect of active Cuδ+(0≤δ≤1) sites. Chemical Engineering Science. 2020, 224:115785. SCI(2区, IF=3.871)

74.Rajendran Antony, Fan Hong-Xia, Feng Jie, Li Wen-Ying*. Desulfurization on boron nitrideand boron nitride-based materials. Chemistry-An Asian Journal. 2020, 15(14): 2038-2059. SCI(2区,IF=3.824)

75.Ling Lixia*, Cao Yueting, Han Min, Liu Ping, Zhang Riguang, Wang Baojun*. Catalytic performance of Pdn(n=1, 2, 3, 4 and 6) clusters supported on TiO2-V for the formation of dimethyl oxalate via the CO catalytic coupling reaction: a theoretical study. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2020, 22:4549-4560. SCI(2区, IF=3.735)

76.Han Bingying, Ling Lixia*, Zhang Riguang, Liu Ping, Fan Maohong, Wang Baojun*. Dimethyl oxalate synthesis via CO oxidation on Pd-doped Ag(111) surface: A theoretic study. Molecular Catalysis. 2020, 484:110731. SCI(2区, IF=3.69)

77.An Jiangwei, Wang Xuhui, Zhao Jinxian, Jiang Shaohua, Quan Yanhong, Pei Yongli, Wu Mengmeng, Ren Jun. Density-functional theory study on hydrogenation of dimethyl oxalate to methyl glycolate over copper catalyst: effect of copper valence state. Molecular Catalysis. 2020, 482:110667. SCI (2区, IF=3.687)

78.Ye Cui-Ping*, Wang Rui-Nan, Gao Xia, Li Wen-Ying. CO2Capture Performance of Supported Phosphonium Dual Amine- Functionalized Ionic Liquids@MCM-41. Energy&Fuels. 2020, 34(11): 14379-14387. SCI(2区,IF=3.045)

79.Liu Ping, Liang Danli, Zhang Riguang, Wang Baojun*. The formations of C2species and CH4over the Co2C catalyst in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis: The effect of surface termination on product selectivity. Computational Materials Science. 2020, 172:109345. SCI(2区, IF=2.863)

80.Wang Pu-Yu, Chen Hu, Wang Ying*, Lyu Yong-Kang*. Quinoline biodegradation characteristics of a new quinoline-degrading strain,Pseudomonas citronellolis PY1. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology. 2020, 95: 2171–2179. SCI (3区, IF=4.80)

81.Wang Hongyu, Li Guoqiang*, Zhang, Shuting, Li Yuan, Zhao Yongle, Duan Liyuan, Zhang Yongfa. Preparation of Cu-Loaded Biomass-Derived Activated Carbon Catalysts for Catalytic Wet Air Oxidation of Phenol. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2020, 59(7): 2908-2920. SCI(3区, IF=3.575)

82.Ma Qian, FuTingjun*, Li Han, Cui Liping, Li Zhong*. Insight into the selection of post-treatment strategy for ZSM-5 zeolites for the improvement of catalytic stability in the conversion of methanol to hydrocarbons. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2020, 59: 11125-11138. SCI (3区, IF=3.573)

83.Ren Jing, Ren Rui-Peng*, and Lv Yong-Kang*. Hollow spheres constructed by ultrathin SnS sheets for enhanced lithium storage. Journal of Mater Science. 2020, 55: 7492-7501. SCI (3区, IF=3.553)

84.Fu Tingjun, Wang Yujie, Li Zhong*. Surface protection induced controllable restruction of pores and acid sites of nano-ZSM-5 catalyst and its influence on the catalytic conversion of methanol to hydrocarbons. Langmuir. 2020, 36: 3737–3749. SCI (3区, IF=3.557)

85.Ma Qian, Fu Tingjun*, Wang Yujie, Li Han, Cui Liping, Li Zhong*. Development of mesoporous ZSM-5 zeolite with microporosity preservation through induced desilication. Journal of Materials Science. 2020, 55: 11870–11890. SCI (3区, IF=3.553)

86.Gao Yuan, Ma Junxiang, Meng Fanhui*, Wang Weilin, Li Zhong*. Solution-combusted nanosized Ni–Al2O3catalyst for slurry CO methanation: effects of alkali/alkaline earth metal chlorides. Journal of Materials Science. 2020, 55: 16510–16521. SCI (3区, IF=3.553)

87.Liu Yong-Jun,* Cui Nan, Jia Peng-Long, Huang Wei*. In-situ FT-IR spectroscopy investigation of CH4and CO2reaction. 2020, 10:131. SCI (3区, IF=3.52)

88.Yang Zhixiu, Guo Xiaofei, Zhang Guojie*, Xu Ying. One-pot synthesis of high N-doped porous carbons derived from a N-rich oil palm biomass residue in low temperature for CO2capture. International Journal of Energy Research. 2020, 44(6): 4875-4887. SCI(3区, IF=3.430)

89.Shen Yanfeng, Wang* Meijun, Wu Yucheng, Hu Yongfeng, Kong Jiao, Duan Xiaobao, Wang Jiancheng, Chang* Liping, Bao Weiren. Role of gas coal in directional regulation of sulfur during coal-blending coking of high organic-sulfur coking coal. Energy & Fuels. 2020, 34:2757-2764. SCI(3区,IF=3.421)

90.Wang Qi, Zhao Yuqiong*, Zhang Yongfa *, Zhang Tiankai, He Shouqi, Wei Yongyong. Isotope Labeling to Study the Hydrogen Transfer Route during Lignite Modification in a Subcritical D2O-CO System. Energy & Fuels. 2020, 34:5485-5496. SCI(3区, IF=3.421)

91.Miao Chao, Liu Junjie, Zhao Jinxian, Quan Yanhong, Li Tao, Pei Yongli, Lia Xiaoliang and Ren Jun. Catalytic combustion of toluene over CeO2-CoOx composite aerogels. New Journal of Chemistry. 2020, 44(27):11557-11565. SCI (3区, IF=3.288)

92.Zheng Huayan, Narkhede Nilesh, Zhang Guoqiang, Li Zhong*. Role of metal co-cations in improving CuY zeolite performance for DMC synthesis: A theoretical study. Applied Organometallic Chemistry. 2020, 34: 1-11. SCI (3区, IF=3.14)

93.Yan Lifei, Fu Tingjun*, Zhao Dan, Wang Jiajun, Narkhede Nilesh, Zheng Huayan, Zhang Guoqiang, Li Zhong*. Highly dispersed Cu supported on mesoporous Al-KIT-6 for oxidative carbonylation of methanol to dimethyl carbonate. Applied Organometallic Chemistry. 2020, 34(7): 1-14. SCI (3区, IF=3.14)

94.Li Ting, Ren Xiurong*, Bao Liuxu, Wang Meijun, Bao Weiren, Chang Liping*. Effect of lignite as support precursor on deep desulfurization performance of semicoke supported zinc oxide sorbent in hot coal gas. RSC Advances. 2020, 10(22): 12780-12787. SCI(3区,IF=3.119)

95.Zhang Shuting, Li Guoqiang*, Duan Liyuan, Wang Hongyu, Zhao Yongle, Zhang Yongfa. g-C3N4synthesized from NH4SCN in a H2atmosphere as a high performance photocatalyst for blue light-driven degradation of rhodamine B. RSC Advances. 2020, 10: 19669–19685. SCI(3区, IF=3.119)

96.Zhang Shuting, Li Guoqiang*, Duan Liyuan, Wang Hongyu, Zhao Yongle, Zhang Yongfa. Studying the basic characteristics and photocatalytic properties of graphitic carbon nitride prepared from the desulfurized waste liquid secondary salt component. Optical Materials. 2020, 103:109839. SCI(3区, IF=2.779)

97.Li Wenying, Liu Yuxiang, Wu Lijie, Ren Ruipeng and Lv Yongkang*. Enhanced nitrogen removal of low C/N wastewater using a novel microbial fuel cell (MFC) with Cupriavidus sp. S1 as a biocathode catalyst (BCS1). Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology.2020, 95: 1203-1215. SCI(3区,IF=2.75)

98.Pang Ke, Ren Rui-Peng*, Lv Yong-Kang*, DFT study on the mechanism of methanol decomposition catalyzed by Mo-CNTs. Materials Today Communications, 2020, 25: 101338. SCI (3区, IF=2.678)

99.Jing Jieying*, Wang Jiuzhan, Liu Daocheng, Qie Zhingqiang, Bai Hongcun, Li WenYing*. Naphthalene hydrogenation saturation over Ni2P/Al2O3catalysts synthesized by thermal decomposition of hypophosphite. ACS Omega. 2020, 5(48): 31423-31431. SCI(3区,IF=2.584)

100.Xu Chen, Du Zhen-Yi*, Yang Shiqi, Ma Hongda, Feng Jie. Effects of inherent potassium on the catalytic performance of Ni/biochar for steam reforming of toluene as a tar model compound. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2020.06010.10.1016/j.cjche. SCI(3区,IF=1.599)

101.Ren Jing, Li Yun, Cao Chuan, Ren Rui-Peng*, Lv Yong-Kang*. A polymer-assisted strategy for hierarchical SnS@N-doped carbon microspheres with enhanced lithium storage performance. Ionics. 2020, 26: 4921-4928. SCI (4区, IF=2.394)

102.Zheng Huayan*, Narkhede Nilesh, Han Linyi, Zhang Huacheng, Li Zhong*. Methanol synthesis from CO2: a DFT investigation on Zn-promoted Cu catalyst. Research on Chemical Intermediates. 2020, 46: 1749-1769. SCI (4区, IF=2.262)

103.Zhao Peiyu, Zhang Guojie*, Hao Lanxia. A novel blended amine functionalized porous silica adsorbent for carbon dioxide capture. Adsorption. 2020, 26(5): 749-764. SCI(4区, IF=1.949)

104.Bai Nan, Gao Zhihua*, Hao Chunyao, Deng Haoyue, Zhang Sai, Huang Wei*. Complete liquid-phase preparation of CuFe-based catalysts and their application in the synthesis of higher alcohols from syngas. ChemistrySelect. 2020, 5(22): 6585-6593. SCI (4区, IF=1.811)

105.Wu Mengmeng, Hou Xiaoxiong, Quan Yanhong, Zhao Jinxian, and Ren Jun. Catalytic Hydrogenation of Methyl Acetate to Ethanol over Boron Doped Carbon Aerogels Supported Cu Catalyst. Chemistryselect. 2020, 5(37): 11517-11521. SCI (4区, IF=1.811)

106.Zhang Sai, Gao Zhihua*, Liu Yan, Bai Nan, Huang Wei*. The study on higher alcohols synthesis from syngas over CuZnAl catalysts derived from hydrotalcite-like precursors. ChemistrySelect. 2020, 5(28): 8696-8700. SCI (4区, IF=1.811)

107.Wang Xing-Bao, Zhang Meng, Luo Lun, Hussain Manzoor, Luo Yi. A computational study of isoprene polymerization catalyzed by iminopyridine-supported iron complexes: Ligand-controlled selectivity. Chemical Physics Letters. 2020, 755: 137811. SCI(4区, IF=1.801)

108.Li Yang, Feng Yu, Wu Mengmeng, Guo Enhui, Li Qiaochun, Mi Jie*. Preparation of mesoporous MCM-41 supported zinc sorbents by microwave in-situ oxidation for H2S removal in coal gas. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2020, 98: 1729−1740. SCI (4区, IF=1.687)

109.Zou Xueyan, Mi Le, Zuo* ZhiJun, Gao ZhiHua, Huang Wei. DFT study the water-gas shift reaction over Cu/alpha-MoC surface. Journal of Molecular Modeling. 2020, 26, 9: 237. SCI (4区, IF=1.346)

110.Shi Dongdong, Feng Jiangjiang, Wang Junqiang, Zhao Wei, Li Xiaoliang*. Surface Modification of Cu-SSZ-13 with CeO2to Improve the Catalytic Performance for the Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO with NH3. Kinetics and Catalysis. 2020, 61(5): 750-757. SCI (4区, IF=0.934)

111.Feng Jiangjiang, Shi Dongdong, Xu Zhigang, Wang Junqiang, Wang Yujie Wang, Li Xiaoliang*. Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO by NH3over One-Pot Prepared Cu-SSZ-13 Catalysts with Different Si/Al Molar Ratio. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2020, 94(9): 1797-1803. SCI (4区, IF=0.719)

112.张维中,温月丽*,宋镕鹏,王斌,张倩,黄伟*.催化剂表面Cu0含量对二氧化碳加氢合成C2+醇性能的影响.高等学校化学学报. 2020, 41(6): 1297-1305. SCI(4区, IF=0.576)

113.杨展董,马恩娟,张乾,栾春晖*,黄伟*.氮掺杂碳纳米管担载CuCoCe对合成气制低碳醇的催化性能.燃料化学学报. 2020,48(7):804-812.(EI收录)

114.王美君,申岩峰,郭江,HU Yong-feng,孔娇,常丽萍. XANES技术探究酸处理对义马煤中硫形态及其热变迁行为的影响.燃料化学学报. 2020, 48(6): 641-648.(EI收录)

115.申岩峰,王美君*,HU Yong-feng,孔娇,鲍卫仁,常丽萍.高硫炼焦煤化学结构及硫赋存形态对硫热变迁的影响.燃料化学学报. 2020, 48(2): 144-153.(EI收录)

116.李竞草,吴冬霞,常丽萍,赵炜,王建成,胡江亮*.疏水性金属-有机骨架材料的研究进展.化工进展. 2020, 39(1): 224-232.(EI收录)

117.易兰,李文英*,冯杰.离子液体/低共熔溶剂在煤基液体分离中的应用.化工进展. 2020, 39(06): 2066-2078.(EI收录)

118.李文英*,李旺,冯杰.褐煤直接液化过程中存在的问题与思考.煤炭学报. 2020, 45(01): 414-423.(EI收录)

119.Yi Lan, Feng Jie, Rajendran Antony, Li Wen-Ying*. Minimizing aromatics entrainment in dephenolization of coal-based liquids by deep eutectic solvents. Chemical Engineering Science: X. 2020, 8: 100070.(EI收录)

120.Yang Langlang, Wang Weilin, Meng Fanhui*, Zhang Min, Zheng Huayan, Li Zhong*. Progress of zeolite in bifunctional catalysts for catalyzing CO/CO2hydrogenation. Fine Chemicals. 2020. 37(8): 1561-1566.(EI收录)

121.荆洁颖*,杨志奋,王九占,刘道诚,冯杰,李文英*.制备方法对Ni2P/SiO2催化剂结构及萘加氢性能的影响.燃料化学学报. 2020, 48(07): 842-851.(EI收录)

122.魏泽华,刘道诚,王九占,荆洁颖*.碱金属掺杂对NiFeAlO4载氧体结构及反应特性的影响.石油学报. 2020, 36(6): 1178-1188.(EI收录)

123.汪来松,宋云彩,冯杰,李文英.生物质中碱/碱土金属在共气化过程中的作用机制研究进展.煤炭学报. 2020, 1061: 1-9.(EI收录)

124.曹川,任瑞鹏*,吕永康*.水热还原氧化石墨烯制备阴极材料及其效率评价.功能材料. 2020, 51(9): 9120-9125.(EI收录)

125.刘月华,上官炬*,刘守军,杨颂,杜文广.铁镍复合助剂对煤热解过程中氮迁移规律研究.化工进展.2020, 10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2020-0478(EI收录)

126.王彦,王晓月,曹瑞文,班红艳,李聪明*.二氧化碳加氢制甲醇反应机理研究进展.辽宁石油化工大学学报. 2020, 40 (4): 11-20.

127.秦志峰,韩勋,班红艳*,牛艳霞,姚英,李聪明,苗茂谦,常丽萍,谢克昌.制备方法对Ni基甲烷化催化剂活性和抗硫性能的影响.太原理工大学学报. 2020, 51 (6): 808-815.

128.王文雨,张帅国,冯宇,米杰*.碳纳米管制备技术的研究进展.天然气化工. 2020, 45(4): 123-129.

129.安露露,米杰*.镍钴氢氧化物的制备及其电化学性能.应用化学. 2020, 37: 579−586.

130.邹玉兰,王莹,陈虎,吕永康*.恶劣环境下异养硝化-好氧反硝化菌的研究进展.工业水处理. 2020, 40(12), 8–13.

131.毋肖卓,涂椿滟*,张乾,凌丽霞,黄伟.热处理方式对NiMoAl催化剂结构及加氢脱氮性能的影响.石油炼制与化工. 2020,51(11):53-58.

132.马领军,史鹏程,韩丽娜,常丽萍,鲍卫仁,王建成*.粉煤灰的水热预处理联合酸浸过程元素溶出行为研究.太原理工大学学报. 2020, 51(3): 338-344.

133.孙秋霞,卫藩婧,李宇杰,鲍卫仁,常丽萍,廖俊杰*. Mo/MgO-Al2O3催化剂的载体结构对COS加氢性能的影响.太原理工大学学报. 2020, 51(6): 794-800.

134.高艳春,韩芳,韩丽娜,常丽萍,鲍卫任,王建成*. V/CGS低温NH3-SCR催化剂的制备及性能研究.现代化工. 2020, 40(8): 67-71.

135.李晓玲,贾欣,王辉,常丽萍*,鲍卫仁,王建成.多相Bunsen反应中SO2溶于水和甲苯的模拟研究.现代化工. 2020, 40(S1): 220-225.

136.张莎,刘芳,李竞草,胡江亮*,任秀蓉.多级孔MOFs材料的合成及其催化应用研究进展.现代化工. 2020, 40(11): 39-43.

137.樊盼盼,董连平,刘翼洲,骆灿金,连经利,陈忠钰,樊民强*.磁力煤泥重介旋流器分选密度强化作用研究.煤炭科学技术. 2020, 48(3):227-231.

138.樊盼盼,刘翼洲,董连平,连经利,陈忠钰,樊民强*.磁场强度对煤泥重介旋流器分选效果影响研究.中国矿业. 2020, 29(4):163-167.

139.杨景瑞,王莹,陈虎,任瑞鹏*,吕永康*.烟气中NOx脱除技术的研究进展.化工环保. 202, 40(5): 461-466.

140.宫亚玲,庞可,任瑞鹏*.Cu@CNT在甲醇裂解反应中构效关系的DFT研究.太原理工大学学报. 2020, 51(6): 816-822.

141.Cao Chuan, Ren Jing, Ren Rui-Peng*, Lv Yong-Kang*. A Functionalized Graphene Aerogel for Efficient Water Purification. Green Materials. 2020. 10.1680/jgrma.20.00003

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