
发布日期:2013-12-13  浏览量:


题目: Fluidization and its Applications to Gasification

报告人: Liu Guohai

Senior Consulting Engineer of the Southern Company, USA

时间: 2013年12月16日(星期一)下午3:00

地点: 煤科学与技术重点实验室9层会议室

报告人研究领域: Multiphase flow, Gasification and Combustion


Liu Guohaiobtained his Ph.D degree from Oklahoma State University studying multiphase flow and corrosion. He also held a MS degree from China Coal Research Institute and a BS degree from East China University of Science and Technology, both on Coal Chemical Engineering. He also pursued three years of Post-Doctoral research on Multiphase flow and corrosion.

He is one of the main contributors to the development of a new gasification technology called Transport Gasifier when he worked for Southern Company, one of the largest power company in the US,He is the only person held position inside the Southern Company history. He is also co-authored 14 patent applications related to Transport gasifier and oxy-fuel combustion. He has five patents under his author and co-authorship.

A commercial power plant with nominal capacity of 600 MWe is under late stage of construction and early stage of commissioning and will be in commercial operation in the next year. Another Transport Gasifier is also under construction in China all based on the same technology.

Now he is running his own company he founded in 2008 and doing consulting work on coal gasification, liquefaction, pyrolysis and combustion. He has also involved in the developing new technology in pollutioncontrol.


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